Article Blog Science

Weather and Climate In Classroom Physics

Weather and climate articles in the IoP’s magazine for teachers of physics – Classroom Physics.

September 2024 – getting the flight height right. 

March 2024 – volcanoes and climate change

December 2023 – brinicles (sinking and floating)

June 2023 – stability in the atmosphere

March 2022 – Seasons themed edition

September 2021 – Sustainability themed edition. 


classroom physics logo
Blog Climate Change Geography

New Resource – Climate Change in Azerbaijan

COP29 will take place in Azerbaijan in November 2024.

Adapt these ideas to support your teaching in the weeks leading up to and during the conference to engage your students with the negotiations and where they are taking place.

The adaptable resource should let you pick ideas from a range which include climate zones, contour drawing, climate graphs, greenhouse gas emissions, map and graph skills in the context of Azerbaijan and climate justice. 

COP29 official logo
Blog Curriculum

Curriculum Review

Stakeholders* are currently being asked to submit responses to the ongoing curriculum review in England.

After discussions at various of our special interest groups and committees, the RMetS’ key points are highlighted below.  We encourage our members and partner organisations to echo these in their own responses to the consultation. 

* Children and young people • Parents and carers • Teachers, lecturers, teaching assistants and the wider education workforce • Senior leaders of schools, multi-academy trusts and colleges • Further and higher education providers • Sector organisations and unions • Arms’ Length Bodies • Expert organisations, voluntary and community organisations and charities • Researchers and education experts • Subject associations • Careers professionals • Awarding organisations • Employers and employer representative bodies • Local authorities • The wider public

All students should leave school with some climate literacy irrespective of their subject and qualification choices

The RMetS climate literacy survey, 2022  demonstrates that a large proportion of school leavers in England don’t remember having been taught about climate change (46%) in their GCSE years. In addition, students are calling for quality climate education,  and employers identify a green skills gap in the UK workforce. The World Bank Group’s Education for Climate Action report  (2024) stresses the importance of education as an instrument for increasing climate mitigation and adaptation.
UNESCO’s Greening Curriculum Guidance (2024)  concludes “The world faces interconnected challenges, with the climate crisis looming as an existential threat. Addressing these challenges requires an education system that not only acknowledges these realities but actively prepares individuals to navigate them and innovate for a more sustainable future.”

Students should leave school with the ability to apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to the real world as it changes and develops as well as their personal situations and careers. Specifically, high quality climate education should allow students to develop climate literacy and green skills which students can apply to green careers and broader climate action in their personal and professional lives.

The curriculum should be flexible enough to adapt as understanding, technology, relevance and situation changes. Specifically, this relates to the state of the climate, climate impacts around the world and current issues relating to climate justice, politics, economics and communication as well as technological solutions to the climate crisis.

Climate education should make students concerned about climate change but hopeful, focussing on solutions and careers as laid out in the DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Education Strategy (2022), UNESCO’s Greening Curriculum Guidance (2024)

Students should be able to synthesise their learning in different topics and subjects.  Specifically, students should be able to apply their learning in geography and the sciences to climate change and sustainability contexts and examples in all subjects, and apply their maths, data and statistical skills to climate contexts in all subjects.

Climate change is a multi-disciplinary problem, impacting on all lives and careers, that requires a multidiscipline approach to both solutions and learning. It should therefore not just be taught in self-contained units (or even a separate subject) but should be integrated, where appropriate, throughout the curriculum in all subjects, by making links between learning in different subjects to develop a climate education which is holistic, strengthens and progresses, broadens learning and is not repetitive. Geography, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are the subjects where core understanding can be developed, which can be the expected knowledge on which application of that knowledge in all other subjects can be based, where appropriate. Maths, data and statistical skills underpin high quality climate education. 

Climate education in the curriculum report  and Easy Wins for Climate change education in England 

Teacher support and subject specific professional development is critical to develop both subject knowledge and subject pedagogy amongst the current and future teaching community. All teachers should be able to access training to improve their climate literacy as well as their understanding of how to appropriately deliver climate education in their teaching.

Many teachers don’t currently have the confidence to deliver climate education UCL survey of teachers in England 
The RMetS quality control work  with resource providers, publishers  and exam boards has revealed widespread misconceptions and out of date materials in use.

Blog Geography Teaching

Free Online Weather and Climate CPD

Join over 40,000 people who have taken our free, online award winning weather and climate CPD course designed specifically for secondary geography teachers and A level students, Come Rain or Shine, which starts again on 9th October. 

This is an opportunity for anyone who has previously taken the course, or who has attended one of our in person weather and climate subject knowledge days, to access the resources again without cost. 

The course is now spread over 5 weeks to maximise the free access period, and features updated and additional material. 

The learning objectives for the course are:

  • Describe the weather features associated with depressions, anticyclones and the four main air masses which affect the UK.
  • Interpret a synoptic or weather chart, to provide details about wind speed and direction, precipitation and cloud cover.
  • Describe some of the physical processes which give rise to weather, such as convection, condensation, pressure gradients and the Coriolis force.
  • Investigate local weather conditions using readily available instruments.
  • Explain some of the processes which transfer energy through the Earth system, including the transient effects of volcanoes and changes in the Earth’s orbit, and how these processes relate to the Earth’s climate.
  • Apply an understanding of mid-latitude weather systems to the analysis of weather data and images.

The course focuses on UK weather (depressions, air masses, anticyclones) through a mix of videos, text, practical exercises and fieldwork, and also explores the wider global picture. It takes about 2 hours per week over 5 weeks.

Due to changes in the FutureLearn platform, participants only get free access to the resources for a few weeks. We therefore suggest that you only register yourself or your students for the course on the day you want to start accessing the materials.