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Climate Change Resources


Summary of Weather and Climate links in the KS3 2014 National Curriculum (England).

   Curriculum LinksOther useful resources
Module 1 – Climate Change Nuts and BoltsScheme of WorkGreenhouse GasesGeography, ChemistryClimate Change Resources
 RSC resourcesBackground info for teachersGeographyClimate, Climate Change and Climate Engineering
  Scheme of Work  
  Leaves as Thermometers  
  Sediment Core Image  
  Sediment Core Key  
  Tree Ring Images  
  Teacher Information Sheet – Ozone  
  Ozone Layer Questions  
Module 2 – Do not believe the hype .. or Should IScheme of Work Geography, Chemistry 
 Student Challenge Sheet   
 Persuasive Presentation – Climate Change  Climate Change Negotiations Resource
 Climate Change ScepticismTeachers’ GuideGeography, Chemistry, Combined Science 
  Debate Card 1  
  Debate Card 2  
  Climate Change Scepticism PowerPoint  
Module 3 – Climate Change all around me (Indicators)Scheme of Work Peer AssessmentGeography,  ChemistryClimate Change in the UK
Module 4 – so what (Impacts)Scheme of Work   
 Afsana MysteryInstructions  
  Criteria levels  
 Day After TomorrowFact or Fiction  
  Answer Sheet  
 De BonoDe Bono Hats  
  Group Summary  
 Global DimensionScheme of WorkFrench 
  Climate Change global dimension – staff  
 Global Dimension – FloodingScheme of Work Geography 
  Session 1 – Flooding  
  Session 2 – Flooding  
  Session 3 – flooding and biodiversity  
  Session 4 – Doctor’s report  
  Session 4 – Flooding and Disease  
  Session 5 – flood prepare & prevention  
  Session 6 – Flooding Council  
 MigrationMemory Map  
  Card sort  
 Polar BearPowerPoint  
  Agony Aunt template  
 Impacts PowerPoint   
Module 5 – Climate Change Champions (Mitigation)Scheme of Work   
 Carbon Neutral HouseInstructions  
  Ideas Template  
  Sheet A  
  Sheet B  
  Sheet C  
  Sheet D  
   Sheet E  
  Sheet F  
 Recycling Food MilesFood Miles Factoids  
  Food Miles Factoids as pdf  
  Food Miles Articles  
  Recycling Factoids  
  Recycling Factoids as pdf  
 Sustainable LivingChallenge Point Scores Sheet Summary  
  Challenge 1 – compost  
  Challenge 1 – organic  
  Challenge 1 – food table  
  Challenge 2 – kite  
  Challenge 3 – word search  
  Challenge 5 – community classroom  
  Challenge 6  
  Challenge 7  
  People Points  
  Planet Poster  
  Student Diary Challenge  
Module 6 – Making the most of it (Adaptation)Scheme of Work   
 What is Climate Change Adaptation   
 What is the Adaptation Challenge    
 Why is Climate Change Adaptation Important?   
 Peer Assessment   
 Student Challenge Sheet   
TreesScheme of Work Biology (plant reproduction, photosynthesis), Chemistry (carbon cycle) 
 How a Tree Works Scheme of WorkModel comments  
  Peer Assessment  
 Why are Trees Important Scheme of WorkExtended Teacher Notes  
  Sustainable Forest Management Questionnaire  

General Resources

Diamond Ranking sheet


The Climate Change Schools Resources were developed by the Climate Change Schools Project, based at the then Science Learning Centre in Durham and led by Krista McKinzey. A large number of teachers and schools in North East England were involved in their development.

They have subsequently been updated by the Royal Meteorological Society.

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Related resources …
Secondary Geography
In this lesson we look at the weather associated with anticyclones in summer and winter and its potential impacts.
Secondary Geography
Climate Change Updates This resource was commended by the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers, 2016. Evidence from the 2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change