Recommended Resources to Support the Teaching of Weather and Climate within this Specification
Key Overview Resources
RGS-IGB A level subject content overview Weather and Climate
Climate change updates for A level geography – supporting the 2016 specifications
Causes of climate change through the Quaternary Ice Age including glacials, interglacials and stadial periods and thresholds for change
Past Climate Change resources Toba case study: a supervolcano
The Little Ice Age and The Little Ice Age in London
Water Cycle
Met Office In Depth introduction to the water cycle.
Deforestation, the water cycle, the carbon cycle and climate in the Amazon
Carbon Cycle
Met Office In Depth introduction to the carbon cycle.
Impacts of recent increases in the atmospheric carbon store on the water cycle and oceans, including: amount, type and patterns of precipitation, extreme weather, river discharge, sea level rise, acidification of the oceans
Carbon, water, weather and climate a PowerPoint presentation focussing on recent changes to the carbon and water cycles, and how the two cycles interact.
The Changing water cycle
Mekong case study Changes to groundwater in Uganda The Impact of Climate Change on Sea Level and Sea Level Change
The impact of Climate Change on water supply
The Impact of Climate Change on Extreme weather
Positive and negative feedback loops, thresholds and equilibrium in natural systems
Tipping points
Ecosystem feedbacks on the carbon and water cycles,
Climate Change Schools Project Module 2 – climate feedback mechanisms, Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
Consequences of change within and between the water and carbon cycles including cryosphere feedbacks, marine carbon feedbacks, terrestrial carbon feedbacks and methane feedbacks. The implications of feedback within and between the two systems for life on Earth, including Arctic permafrost thawing
Carbon release from the Arctic
Processes and Patterns of Global Migration
The impact of climate change on security
21st Century Challenges,
Economic Growth and Challenge
Developing India’s solar industry
China’s Carbon outputs
Energy Challenges and Dilemmas
Case studies of mitigation and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Carbon Capture and Storage.
Weather and Climate
Introduction to Weather and Climate
Global Controls on the Climate and The Earth’s radiation budget
Monsoons – a resource looking at the link between rainfall and food production in India. Teachers notes and Excel data sheet.
Characteristics of the UK’s Climate
Air Masses: Several resources on the Key Stage 4 page,
Jet Stream
Extreme Weather events
Low Pressure Systems
Case Studies and several here.
High Pressure Systems
Case studies and several here.
Impacts of human activities on the atmosphere at local and regional scales: Urban Climates
Measuring the impact of urban areas on wind flow: a PowerPoint presentation introducing how the wind is affected by urban structures and notes for teachers introducing simple fieldwork which can be carried out in the school grounds, using bubbles.
People, climate and the Future
Mitigation, Adaptation, Tipping Points .
Further A level resources.
Link to the full WJEC/ Eduqas specification