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OCR Geography B GCSE


Resources for OCR 2016 Geography B

We are delighted to have worked together with the OCR to develop resources to support this specification – click here to access the resources with links embedded into the scheme of work here.

Other Recommended Resources to Support the Teaching of Weather and Climate within this Specification

How can weather be hazardous?

a) Why do we have weather extremes?

  • Outline of the global circulation system including the effects of high and low pressure belts in creating climatic zones.
  • How the global circulation of the atmosphere causes extremes in weather conditions in different parts of the world.
  • The extremes in weather conditions associated with wind, temperature and precipitation in contrasting countries.
  • The distribution and frequency of tropical storms and drought, and whether these have changed over time.
  • Outline the causes of the extreme weather conditions associated with tropical storms.
  • Outline the causes of the extreme weather conditions of El Niño/La Niña leading to drought.

a) When does extreme weather become a hazard?

  • Case studies of two contrasting natural weather hazard events arising from extreme weather conditions. The case studies must include a natural weather hazard from each bullet point below:

    There must be one UK based and one non-UK based natural weather hazard event

  • For each chosen hazard event, study the place specific causes (including the extreme weather conditions which led to the event), consequences of and responses to the hazard.

What evidence is there to suggest climate change is a natural process?

a) What evidence is there for climate change?

b) Is climate change a natural process?

  • Outline the causes of natural climate change including the theories of sun spots, volcanic eruptions and Milankovitch cycles.
  • Investigate the natural greenhouse effect and the impacts that humans have on the atmosphere, including the enhanced greenhouse effect.

c) Why is climate change a global issue?

  • Explore a range of social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change worldwide such as those resulting from sea level rise and extreme weather events. The impacts studied should relate to the 21st century.
  • Explore a range of social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change within the UK such as the impact on weather patterns, seasonal changes and changes in industry. The impacts studied should relate to the 21st century.

Why should tropical rainforests matter to us?

a) What biodiversity exists in tropical rainforests?

  • The distinctive characteristics of a tropical rainforest ecosystem, including the climate

Is there more to polar environments than ice?

a) What is it like in Antarctica and the Arctic?

  • Outline the distinctive characteristics of Antarctica and the Arctic, including climate

How is the UK changing in the 21st century?

a) What does the UK look like in the 21st century?

  • Overview of human and physical geographical characteristics of the UK, including population density, land use, rainfall and relief, and significant issues associated with these characteristics, including water stress and housing shortages.

Will we run out of natural resources?

a) How has increasing demand for resources affected our planet?

  • Outline the factors leading to demand outstripping supply of food, energy and water.

Can we feed nine billion people by 2050?

a) What does it mean to be food secure?

  • Understand the term ‘food security’ and the human and physical factors which influence this.

Climate Zones

Climate zones.

Some introductory ideas on Climate zones

Teaching Resources

Lesson 3 – Pritchard.pdf

Data and Image Sources


Food Security


Teaching Resources

Data and Image Sources

Water Security


Teaching Resources

Data and Image Sources

Extreme Weather

Weather records will always be broken!

Further Information

In Depth – Extreme Weather (Met Office)

Teaching Resources

What do we mean by Extreme Weather? Data analysis.

Community experience of extreme weather Fieldwork/ investigation


Work scheme on extreme weather including tropical storms

Data and Image Sources

UK Flash Flood Events

An introduction to flooding.

Data and Image Sources

National River Flow Archive http://nrfa.ceh.ac.uk/

Current UK river levels http://www.gaugemap.co.uk/

Tropical Storms

Teaching Resources
Tropical Cyclones Scheme of Work.

Work scheme on extreme weather including tropical storms.



Data and Image Sources



Teaching Resources

Data and Image Sources

Heat Wave

A case study of the 2003 heat wave.

A case study of the 2013 heat wave.

Teaching Resources

Data and Image Sources

Past Climate Change

Teaching Resources

Past Climate Change teaching resources

Data and Image Sources

Tempest database

Climate Change

Considerably more information can be found at our Climate Change Updates for Geography Teachers pages and in our general past climate change resources/ section.

Teaching Resources


Climate Change Schools Project

Data and Image Sources

UK climate projections and associated teaching resources

Further KS4 resources.

Link to OCR website for the full specification.

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Related resources …
Secondary Geography
Data skills exercise exploring the rate of Arctic climate change
Secondary Geography
Key Stage 4 – A series of downloadable lesson plans and teacher’s notes prepared on weather systems for GCSE geography. Produced by Tony Cassidy