Our rain originally came from oceans, seas and lakes. It became clouds and eventually fell on us as rain.
What you will need:
- A large bowl
- A small yogurt pot or plastic cup
- Clingfilm
- Water
- Small weight or a few coins
- Sunny window sill
What to do:
- Take the large bowl and fill it with several centimetres of water.
- Place your small pot in the centre of the bowl of water, making sure not to get any water inside it.
- Cover the large bowl with clingfilm and fasten this down securely to the side of the bowl.
- Put a weight on top of the clingfilm, over the centre of the small pot to push the clingfilm down into it slightly.
- Place your experiment on a warm sunny window sill and leave for a few days.
You should find that the heat of the sun evaporates the water, which rises, condenses on the cool plastic, and falls into the small container. This is a small version of what happens in the real water cycle.
You will need
Web page reproduced with the kind permission of the Met Office.