

Praise for Young People’s Weather


Some of the messages we havereceived about the Young People’s Special Edition of Weather:

Special Edition of Weather, young people in meteorology, was great – well done and hit all the right buttons!

Good piece on the forever-exciting feeling of launching a weather balloon by @RGSweather in the new @RMetS Young People’s edition.

Just received my hardcopy of the @RmetS Young People’s Special edition of Weather! Doesn’t it look great!

Well done to all who produced special young people’s edition of @RmetS Weather magazine. A compelling read – thanks.

It was very pleasing to read the latest edition of “Weather” on my train ride in this morning and I was hit by the standard of good writing and enthusiasm for the various subjects it included. I was most impressed with all the students contributions and I congratulate the efforts of the editor in putting it together. Please pass on my congratulations to all students involved as well. It is clear they put a lot of time and effort into their pieces and they are to be commended for them.

Our Young People’s Special Edition of Weather magazine is finally here and can be read at onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wea.2015.70.issue-S1/issuetoc.

The edition was edited, written and illustrated by people under the age of 21 – some as young as 7! The photos are all winners and runners up from our photography competition, run earlier in 2015.

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Teaching resources

Secondary Geography
Lower secondary fieldwork resource exploring heatwaves in the school buildings and school grounds, potentially leading to adaptation opportunties
Secondary Maths
Classroom resources which use climate change as a context for key maths skills, produced in collaboration with Dr Frost Learning
Primary, Secondary Geography, Secondary Maths, Secondary Science
For curriculum developers and other communicators to explore the diverse range of concepts associated with climate change and the links between them.