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Passage of a Depression – Account


Passage of a depression

Use the following help sheet to write a fictional story about the passing of a depression. Imagine you are in the field taking observations and measurements. You should use all the statements included below.

 Coming of the warm front At the warm front Within the warm sector At the cold front Within the cold sector
 Barometer – shows pressure is falling Barometer – continues to show the pressure is falling. No significant changes on the barometer. Suddenly the pressure on the barometer begins to rise. Pressure continues to rise.
 Thermometer – shows the temperature is steady Thermometer – shows the temperature is rising. Feeling a little sticky in this heavy coat! Still quite mild. Time for a hat, and to button up that coat, the temperature is falling, it’s becoming chilly. It remains cold.
 Cirrus clouds high in the sky, they begin to descend and thicken becoming altostratus. Becomes darker, the clouds are low and cover the sky like blankets – nimbostratus. Starting to see breaks in the cloud, a little drizzle now – nothing heavy. Angry looking clouds, towering and grey, begin to form – cumulonimbus. The clouds have thinned out now – some cumulus.
 No need for the umbrella yet! Time to get out the umbrella, continuous heavy rain. A steady breeze, nothing too uncomfortable. Heavy rain! Is that thunder I hear? A few showers.
 Slight increase in wind speed. The wind is much stronger now – struggling to hold onto my umbrella.  Struggling to stay on my feet, as I’m battered by the strong winds. Time to go home I think!

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