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Handling Data and Measurements


Handling data and measurements

Key Stage 2 Mathematics
Handling data and measurements


Children measure the outside temperature at the same time on each day for a week. They use ICT to record the temperature each day, in a suitable data handling program. At the end of the week they use the program to display the results on a bar chart. They answer questions such as:

On which days was it warmer than 15 degrees?
What is the difference between the temperature on the hottest day and the temperature on the coldest day?


Children should learn:

to read, to the nearest division and half-division, scales that are numbered or partially numbered. Use the information to measure and draw to a suitable degree of accuracy.
to answer a question by collecting, organising and interpreting data.
to use ICT to create a bar chart.

Lesson plans


Mental starter
Use slide 1 to ask questions about the temperature data.

Main teaching
Use the thermometer ITP, to teach the children how to measure temperature to the nearest degree.

Using slides 5–9 go through temperature, rainfall and wind speed measurements.

Tell the children they will be keeping a weather diary for one week and measuring the outside temperature at the same time every day.

If you have a weather station at school show them how to measure the wind speed and rainfall. Otherwise, show the children how to find the information using the latest weather data on the internet.

Demonstrate how to record the temperature each day in your chosen data handling program.

Lesson resources

Keeping a weather diary (Temperatures) slideshow.

Link to the Met Office latest weather forecast for the UK.

Main activity
Children measure the outside temperature in groups at the same time every day for one week and complete their individual weather diaries.

On the last day, when all the information has been collected, using ICT, children record the temperatures for the week in the chosen data handling program and use the information to display as a bar chart, which can then be printed.

Your own weather diary worksheet.

You will need:
Access to computers or laptops

Using slides 10–14 ask the children to answer questions with the help of their bar charts. Can they think of any other questions to ask? What does the chart tell us about the weather during the week?

You will need:
Slides 10–14 of keeping a weather diary (Temperatures) slideshow (above)

Web page reproduced with the kind permission of the Met Office.

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