Some useful careers links
- Careers in the Weather, Water and Climate Enterprise by the American Meteorological Society on the COMET platform.
- Hannah Mallinson gives a Careers Podcast for National Careers Week
- RMetS Careers in Meteorology booklet
- What can you do with geography in weather and climate? poster from the Geographical Association
- Why the world needs meteorologists from the World Meteorological Association.
- The WMO’s Women in Meteorology photo essay.
- The Royal Meteorological Society’s Jobs Board.
- Reading University’s Met Jobs Mailing List
- Met Office careers and jobs
- Earthwork jobs site
- The American Meteorological Society website for more explanation of what a meteorologist does
- ‘Skills Development Scotland’ profile of a meteorologist
- Profile of a meteorologist from Plan-It Plus (a Scottish careers directory)
- Physics related careers with
the Institute of Physics - Geography related careers with
the Royal Geographical Society and IBG